
What can a hearing aid do for me

What can a hearing aid do for me

Deciding to get hearing aids is a big moment and you may have been considering it for a while. In this section you can find out exactly how they could help you.

Modern hearing aids are small and discreet – meaning they’re virtually invisible when you’re wearing them, and making them comfortable too. The technology inside them has advanced that they offer a range of different programmes and settings, automatic technology, and even Bluetooth capability so they can be connected wirelessly to your phone, TV and more!


But some people may still be reluctant to wear a hearing aid, but why?

  • Lots of people don’t even realise they have hearing loss. Because age-related hearing loss happens so gradually, it’s not always easy to recognise. You might just think that other people are mumbling, and turn up the volume of the TV and your phone so you can hear them.
  • Some people think hearing loss is a sign of getting old. But the truth is that one in six Singaporeans are affected by hearing loss (MOH, 2010).

Hearing is one of our most important senses. It is essential to look after your hearing health and to visit your local hearing care professional immediately if you become aware of any hearing problems.


If you suspect that you are being affected by reduced hearing, arrange an appointment with a certified hearing professional as soon as possible. They will determine whether or not there really is hearing loss, and will offer you advice on how you can help yourself.


Buying a hearing aid is an important decision and can significantly improve your quality of life. Give yourself plenty of time to visit an experienced hearing care professional or audiologist and find the appropriate solution together.

  • Find out here about hearing problems and how they can be treated.
  • To prepare, take our online hearing test
  • Find a branch near you
  • Take a hearing test at your local hearing clinic and ask them for a detailed explanation of the results.
  • Ask them to show you the various models that would be appropriate to your hearing problems and lifestyle, and to explain how they work.
  • Find out which services are included in the purchase price. Ask your hearing care team to advise you on insurance coverage options and ways to cut maintenance, repair, or replacement costs in the event of loss.
  • Ensure that the device settings are optimized for you. Wearing a poorly adjusted hearing aid is uncomfortable and the hearing aid will not provide the desired sound quality.
  • Tell your friends and relatives about your new hearing aid, and explain that, from now on, they’ll no longer need to raise their voice when talking to you.


‘Hearing aids don’t help’

Just a few years ago hearing aids were clumsy, hook-shaped devices that were only placed behind the ear and only made a minimal improvement to a person’s hearing.


One common problem, which was also a source of pain for the ears, was the feedback when someone hugged you, for example. This problem has been successfully overcome.


Even the misconception that you simply have to "train" your ears harder still persists. Many of those affected believe that by using a hearing aid, they’re ‘spoiling’ their sense of hearing and their hearing will become dependent on technical support.


However, hearing does not regenerate itself. Once hearing has been damaged, it is almost impossible to reverse and often a hearing aid is a solution. While the individual is not cured, the technology means that they will find it far easier to live with hearing loss.