This hearing aid is traditionally the most powerful and rests on the back of the outer ear.
Closed fit: These hearing aids use a fitted ear mould that fills the outer ear. Although they are larger than open fit hearing aids, closed fit BTEs are easier to handle because they seal the auditory canal, which minimises the whistling sometimes experienced by hearing aid wearers.
Open fit: These contain a thin plastic micro tube that extends over the outer ear and into the ear canal. In addition to being small and cosmetically appealing, the open fit tube avoids the "stopped up" feeling of in-the-ear hearing aids.
All hearing aids have the same main components. A behind-the-ear hearing aid is made up of the following parts:
Micro-behind-the-ear models
These hearing aids are smaller than normal BTE models and suitable for people with mild to severe hearing loss. They can be worn comfortably behind the ear and come in a wide range of colours, shapes, and styles.
External receiver model (receiver-in-canal, or RIC)
The smallest behind-the-ear models are equipped with external receivers and usually also offer wireless functions.
Your ears are as unique as you are! There’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to choosing your hearing aids. Our Hearing Aid Audiologists are experts in helping you choose the right hearing aid – as well as basing their decision on your hearing loss and your ear shape, they’ll ask you about your budget, the style you’d like, and the functions you want.
Find your best hearing aid with the help of qualified and experienced audiologist for free.
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